Data Analysis                  

Analysis allows you to solve problems by examining the geographic patterns in your data and observing relationships between features. The methodology you use to solve problems can be very simple—sometimes just by making a map you're doing analysis—or more complex, involving models that mimic the real world by combining several data layers and processes.

Because the ArcGIS® geoprocessing framework includes ModelBuilder™, it's easy to execute even the most complex analyses. Model criteria and methodology can be quickly adjusted, and you can run your model as many times as necessary to test alternative solutions.


Geoprocessing workflow

You can use geoprocessing tools for analyzing your data.


Modeling your workflow

So far in this course, you've combined individual geoprocessing tools in meaningful sequences to create new data. However, the more complex your geoprocessing workflow becomes, the more difficult it is to keep track of the various datasets, processing procedures, parameters, and assumptions that you have used. One of the easiest ways to overcome this difficulty is to create a spatial model in ModelBuilder.

Many types of models are used in GIS, including process models like those that model soil erosion or measure spatial interaction between customers and retail outlets. The most common models, however, are those that help you locate something. These are called suitability models.


More about spatial models

Roughly speaking, spatial models are GIS-based representations of supposed, predicted, or desired states of affairs or processes in the world. They are created by applying assumptions and well-defined sets of rules to existing data to produce new data.

In this course, the type of model you'll work with is a suitability model. A suitability model in GIS is often used to find the best location for something (e.g., critical habitat, new business, school, landfill, emergency evacuation site). A set of criteria is applied to the GIS layers to find places that are acceptable locations for the activity. Although some models can look extremely complex, suitability modeling is actually quite simple; there is a standard methodology to follow, and the GIS processing is commonplace. The hardest part is defining the criteria for selecting the site.

Suitability models are not mathematically predictive. They do not estimate the value of a geographic phenomenon at a given point in space and time, such as the amount of rainfall that Bend, Oregon will receive this year. Nor do they estimate the probability that a thing exists or an event will occur in a particular place, such as the odds that you will meet a Canada lynx while hiking at sundown in the Colville National Forest. Instead, they use evaluation scales to rate areas as bad, good, or best according to a set of criteria.

A model can be rigorous without being statistical. For example, suitability models often involve reaching a balance of opinion among interested parties as to what factors define suitability. There are formal systems, such as the Delphi process, that help achieve this balance of opinion without bias.

Spatial models are often not purely one thing or another. Suppose you want to find the best available land in central California for planting a vineyard. Your model might incorporate a statistical analysis of features present in other successful vineyards (and absent in unsuccessful ones). The results of this analysis would help define your suitability criteria. The model would thus be a hybrid predictive-suitability model.

Another quality of spatial models is complexity and interrelationship of parts. Suppose you are looking for a site on which to build a house and you decide that all that matters is that you build on vacant land. Any GIS will let you run a query for "land_type = vacant." It would be generous to call this a model. Now add some more criteria. The house must not only be on vacant land, but on land that is zoned for residential development and is not too expensive. In addition, you want it to be on a hill, close to a high school, not far from a golf course, in a low-crime neighborhood.

You have introduced a certain degree of complexity. You have multiple criteria to satisfy and most of these criteria lie on a scale of satisfaction. (How expensive is too expensive? How high up a hill? How close is close to a golf course? How low is low-crime?)

You also have interrelationship of parts, since these criteria have different amounts of relative importance. For example, what if there are no low-crime neighborhoods in your desired price range? What if there are no high schools near hills? Which conditions play a larger part in your final decision?


Why build models?

Building models has several advantages, the most important of which are described below.

Automate the geoprocessing workflow
Models help you manage the complex combination of assumptions, tools, datasets, and other factors associated with your analysis. Models can be easily modified so that you can explore alternative outcomes or accommodate new information. The model updates dynamically. Changes to one part of the model are automatically carried through to the rest of the model.

Share geoprocessing knowledge
Models easily communicate what is being done. Models are represented as flow charts with distinct symbols for input data, spatial operations, and output data. The structure of the model and flow of data processing are apparent. This makes it easy for you and others to see the model's scope and understand how it works.

Record and document methodology
Models allow for simple or sophisticated geoprocessing workflows to be captured and documented. You can document the sources of input data and assumptions you made in the model for future use or to share your work with others. You'll learn more about documentation in Module 5 of this course.

Add complexity as needed
Models allow you to assemble simple and complex processes into one tool. For complex processes, you can create a separate model. These "submodels" can be added to primary models, allowing you to easily incorporate components developed by experts in various disciplines.


The anatomy of a model

A model in ArcGIS is a tool that defines a set of rules and procedures for representing a phenomenon or predicting an outcome. Models consist of one or more processes. (Remember, a process is simply a tool and its parameter values.) In its simplest form, a model may consist of a single process. Typically, a model is built using several connected processes so that the output of one process becomes the input to another process.

In ModelBuilder, models are represented as flow charts with distinct symbols for each type of component. Model components are referred to as elements. Elements are connected together via connector lines that serve to create processes as well as show processing flow.

Below is a list of the elements in ModelBuilder:

·   Tools—the same tools that are in ArcToolbox™ are available for use in models. Tool elements are represented by gold rectangles in ModelBuilder.

·   Project data—any data that exists before a tool executes. Project data will typically be used as the input to a tool in a model. Project data elements are represented by blue ovals.

·   Derived data—data created by running a geoprocessing operation on existing project data. Derived data from one process can serve as input data for another process. Derived data elements are represented by green ovals.

·   Values—reference tool parameters other than datasets; for example, the buffer distance for the Buffer tool. Value elements are represented by light blue ovals.

·   Derived values—reference values that are created by running a tool, such as the output value from the Calculate Default Cluster Tolerance tool. You'll work with derived value elements in Module 4 of this course. Derived value elements are represented by light green ovals.

Model with three processes

Models typically contain several processes, and they can be chained together so that the derived output from one process becomes the input for another process. The conceptual model shown here contains three processes.


Any element in a model that isn't a tool is a variable. Variables can be thought of as placeholders for datasets or other tool parameters. Variable values can be easily changed, and they can be shared between processes in a model.

More informationIngredients of a good model

This course is about how to use the ArcGIS geoprocessing framework; it is not about modeling methodology. Still, it won’t hurt to mention a few points to keep in mind when you start building your own models.

Choose your input factors carefully
This may seem obvious, but it means making difficult decisions in practice. A model is necessarily a simplification of reality. If you try to include every factor that has a possible bearing on the result, your model will never be done. (Perhaps a good model never is quite done.) At the same time, you don’t want to omit crucial factors, the absence of which would undermine your conclusions.

Consult experts if you're not one
In practice, there are constraints on the factors you choose to include. One of the principal constraints is often the limits of your own knowledge. Suppose you are building a model to identify streams that are good salmon habitat. Good habitat includes woody debris, which shields the water from direct sunlight, thus lowering its temperature. If you don’t know that this matters to the fish, you will probably not build a satisfactory model. Talking to experts and reading papers can help acquaint you with the most important issues.

Be alert to the interplay of factors
In choosing a location for a ski resort, you prefer higher elevations that get more snow. You also want proximity to existing roads so that development costs are lower. But these two factors may be in conflict: the higher you go, the farther you get from existing roads. You have thus built into your model conditions that possibly cannot be simultaneously satisfied. If you don’t realize this, you won’t know why your model fails to find any highly suitable sites. Once you understand the problem, you can devise a solution. For example, if you decide that elevation is the more important factor, you might set a threshold value for distance to roads (such as that the chosen site must be within five miles of a road) and not use proximity to roads to further evaluate suitability.

Know your data
One of the constant temptations of GIS is to use datasets with unknown origins. Your colleague offers you a landuse layer that is just what you need, but he doesn’t remember where he got it and there’s no metadata describing it. Beware. It may be current or it may be older than you are. It may be the product of a careful and comprehensive study or it may be cobbled together from disparate data sets that have themselves been reclassified, generalized, and otherwise massaged in a dozen undocumented ways.

Another danger lies in combining data layers that have different scales of accuracy. If you overlay a dataset of roads that is accurate at the scale of 1:24,000 with a dataset of streams that is accurate at the scale of 1:100,000, the locations of streams with respect to roads will be incorrect. Neither your GIS nor your model will tell you so. You learned about proper data preparation in the previous module.

Use proxies with caution
A typical modeling problem is not having exactly the data that you need. A typical solution is to use proxies. A proxy (also called a surrogate) is a dataset that is used as a substitute for data you don’t have. For your salmon habitat model, you may not have direct data on the amount of woody debris in streams, and it may be impractical to acquire it. But you may have a land cover layer that tells you which parts of your study area are forested and which are not. By inferring that forested areas near streams deposit woody debris, you can use land cover as a proxy measurement of debris.

There are different kinds of proxies. Some are based on common-sense reasoning, as in the example above. It is probably correct to infer the existence of woody debris from the presence of trees. Other proxies are based on known associations. If aphids are reliably found wherever there are roses, then roses may be used as a proxy for aphids. Other proxies are based on a relation of component to whole. In evaluating the difficulty of grading terrain, for example, you may decide to use slope as a proxy. This has some validity, since steep land is harder to grade than flat land, but there are other factors, such as geology, soil type, and land cover, that influence grading difficulty as well.

If you use slope as a proxy for grading difficulty (substituting a component for the whole) and you then go on to use grading difficulty as a proxy for land development cost (again substituting a component for the whole), this part of your model may not be too reliable.

There is nothing wrong with proxies as such—the danger lies in stretching them too far or in counting on them too much.

Live and learn
Keep the above cautions in mind but don’t be afraid to model. Models evolve. The most imperfect model is still a starting point and has the value of introducing systematic rational analysis to the decision-making process. Welcome criticism of your model. Remember, ModelBuilder makes it easy to add, remove, and modify model processes as necessary.


Model element states

To run a model is to run all of the processes that compose it. The readiness of a process to run depends on the state of its elements.

A process can be in one of three states: not ready to run, ready to run, or has been run. If any element in a process is not ready to run, the process as a whole is not ready to run. The elements of a process are usually in the same state.

Element states have unique symbology. An element that is not ready to run is white. An element that is ready to run is colored. An element that has been run adds a dropshadow to its color.


Three processes: white, colored, colored with drop shadow

The three states of a process shown from top to bottom are: not ready to run, ready to run, and has been run. The state of a process depends on the state of its elements.


An element's readiness to run can be affected by various factors. One factor is connectivity. A tool that is not connected to an input element will not be ready to run. (The converse is not true. A project data element can be ready to run without being connected to a tool.)


Tool and output element - white

Tool elements are automatically connected to output data elements, but not to input data elements. In this example, there is no input to the Buffer tool; therefore, it is not ready to run.


Another factor is specification. In the graphic below, the three elements are connected, but the tool parameters have not been specified. If an element's parameters are not fully specified, the element will not be ready to run.


Project data - colored; tool and output data - white

Although the input data element is ready to run, the parameters of the Add Field tool have not been defined; therefore, the process as a whole is not ready to run.


The third factor is data accessibility. A project data element represents a spatial dataset. If this dataset is inaccessible to ModelBuilder (for example, if the relevant file has been deleted from its specified workspace), the project data element will not be ready to run. If the project data element is not ready to run, the tool and derived data elements connected to it cannot be ready to run.


Project data, tool, and output data - white

In this example, the elements are connected and their parameters are fully specified. The problem is that ModelBuilder cannot find the input data it needs.