Anatomy of a subtype

You create subtypes for a feature class or nonspatial table in ArcCatalog. You must have an ArcEditor or ArcInfo license to create subtypes. You cannot create subtypes with ArcView.


Properties for a subtype called Grass


Subtypes are a property of a feature class. Here, three subtypes have been created for a feature class called Country_lanes. The subtypes are associated with the Lane_Type field.


Subtypes are defined using a code and a description. The subtype codes for a feature class are stored in the designated subtype field in the feature class table.


Example subtype field in a feature class table


The subtype codes are stored in the subtype field in the feature class table.


When you add a feature class that has subtypes to ArcMap, the subtypes display automatically in the Table of Contents with their descriptive names.


ArcMap Table of Contents showing a layer with subtypes


The three subtypes in the Country_lanes layer display in the ArcMap Table of Contents with unique symbology.