Other perspective projections

The Gnomonic, Stereographic, and Orthographic planar projections are not the only perspective projections.

The Vertical Near Side Perspective is a planar projection that resembles the Orthographic, except that its light source is set at a particular distance rather than infinity. This means that the light rays are very slightly bent instead of being perfectly straight.


Vertical Near Side Perspective


In this Vertical Near Side Perspective projection, the light source is 35,800 kilometers away. ArcMap lets you choose the distance you want.


The Cylindrical Equal Area projection is created by projecting the globe onto a cylinder tangent at the equator. The light rays are perpendicular to the earth's axis.

Cylindrical Equal Area projection


The Cylindrical Equal Area projection is another projection developed by the prolific J.H. Lambert.


Other cylindrical perspective projections include the Behrmann, which is similar to the Cylindrical Equal Area, and the Gall Stereographic, which places the light source on the opposite side of the globe (same as the planar Stereographic).

Behrmann and Gall Stereographic


The Behrmann projection and the Gall Stereographic.


Other perspective projections, such as the Central Cylindrical (which places the light source in the center of the globe) and the Perspective Conic, are seldom used.